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Utres Valet Potior Quam Pereat in interpretation : Legal Maxim

Utres Valet Potior Quam Pereat in interpretation : Legal Maxim In this article the meaning of the magazine is defined along with introduction , definition , application in the Indian legal system and conclusion.. Introduction  The magazine " Ut res magis valeat Quam pareat" is an important principle of interpretation of statute which means : "it is better for a thing to have effect then to be made void."institute should be interpreted to make it affect and operative rather than become white. Meaning of :  Ut res magis valeat Quam pareat in interpretation of statute  The magazine Ut res magis valeat Quam pareat Means "it may rather become operative then null".  That means while interpreting any provision or part of any statute the code should not lean towards a construction that render any prohibition or the statute right hence the court should always try to use those principles that will keep the statute in effect. Definition of the Maxim :  Ut res magis

Interpretation of statue - Meaning, Types ,Elements

 Interpretation of statue - Meaning, Types ,Elements   Origin of the term Statute  The origin of statute is form old French 'estatus', from the Late Latin 'statum' ,means law, regulation.         It is said that 'statute' was first used on an Act of 55 of Henry lll. Meaning of Statute- The meaning of the term statute varies according to the connotation in which it is used. The following are the given meaning of the term 'statute': A law enacted by a legislature.                           An established law or rule, as of a corporation.                                                            A written law passed by a legislative body.     A formal enactment by a legislature.                A law established by the act of legislative power. Defination of the term Statute     According to Tomlins Law Dictionary," Statute signifies an act of the legislature".       Maxwell defines statute as the " will " of the legislature.           

What is coalition government class 10

Coalition government note for class 10      The term "coalition " is derived from the Latin word coalition which means to grow together. thus , technically , coalition means the act of uniting parts into one body or whole . politically coalition means an alliance of distinct political parties.                           when several political parties join hands and form a govt and exercise political  power on the basis of a common agreed programme / agenda , we can describe the system a s coalition politics of coalition government.   Features of coalition government The features of coalition politics are very well summaised by J.C johari in the following Ways: Coalition are formed for the sake of some reward ,material or physical. A coalition implies the existence of at least two parties. The underlying principle of coalition politics standard on the simple fact of temporating conjunction of specific interest. Coalition politics is not a static but a dynamic affair as coalitio

what is coalition government

coalition government       The term "coalition " is derived from the Latin word coalition which means to grow together. thus , technically , coalition means the act of uniting parts into one body or whole . politically coalition means an alliance of distinct political parties.                           when several political parties join hands and form a govt and exercise political  power on the basis of a common agreed programme / agenda , we can describe the system a s coalition politics of coalition government.   Features of coalition government The features of coalition politics are very well summaised by J.C johari in the following Ways: Coalition are formed for the sake of some reward ,material or physical. A coalition implies the existence of at least two parties. The underlying principle of coalition politics standard on the simple fact of temporating conjunction of specific interest. Coalition politics is not a static but a dynamic affair as coalition players and gro

Constitution meaning in hindi.

Constitution meaning in hindi.  Constitution का मतलब हिंदी में  है संविधान   भारत के लिए संविधान सभा का विचार पहली बार एमएन द्वारा रखा गया था। रॉय।1935 में भारतीय राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस ने पहली बार आधिकारिक तौर पर भारत के संविधान को बनाने के लिए एक संविधान सभा की मांग की।               नवंबर 1946 में कैबिनेट मिशन योजना द्वारा तैयार कार्यक्रम के तहत संविधान सभा का गठन किया गया था। इसकी पहली बैठक 9 दिसंबर 1946 को हुई।          संविधान सभा की संरचना नवंबर 1946 में कैबिनेट मिशन योजना द्वारा बनाई गई योजना के तहत संविधान सभा का गठन किया गया था। डॉ सच्चिदानंद सिन्हा के अस्थायी अध्यक्ष के रूप में चुने गए सबसे पुराने सदस्य थे . मसौदा समिति (Drafting committee) संविधान सभा के साथ सबसे महत्वपूर्ण समिति 29 अगस्त 1947 को गठित मसौदा समिति थी। यह एक प्रतिबद्धता थी जिसे संविधान का मसौदा तैयार करने के कार्य के साथ सुनिश्चित किया गया था। Dr BR Ambedkar (chairman) N. Gopalswami ayyangar मसौदा समिति ने इसका मसौदा तैयार करने में 6 महीने से भी कम समय लिया। कुल मिलाकर यह केवल 141 दिन ही बैठा रहा। निष्कर्ष(conclu

Linguistic politics in India

 Introduction  Language is one of the important factor which has exercised as deep impact on the politics as cast and religion.  The eight schedule of constitution recognise 22 different language. For example: Assamese, Bengali , Gujarati ,  Hindi , Nepali , Sanskrit, santhali , Telugu , Tamil etc    In India politics is influenced by various factors like caste ,class ,race , region, religion and among then language is one of the most . When. Countries politics is influenced by language then the politics is called as linguistic politics.  Examples   1. DMK in Tamil Nadu 2. TDP in Andhra Pradesh  Reasons for emergence of linguistic politics in India  The emergence of linguistic politics in India can be attributed to a combination of historical social and political factors here are some of the key reasons:  1..Diversity  India has over 19500 languages and direct and every language groups one protection and recognition on their individual languages. 2.. Regionalism  The linguistic recogni

Election commission - power and functions

Election commission with its powers and functions Introduction  The election commission is a permanent and independent body established by the constitution of India to ensure free and fare elections in the country. Article 324 of the constitution provides the power of the superintendance, direction and control of election to parliament, state legislature and office of President of India and the office of vice-president of India shall beat in the election commission. It was established in 1950. Composition Article 324 of the constitution has made the following provisions with regard to the composition of election commission 1..      The election commission shall consist of chief election commissioner and such number of other election commissioners as the president thinks fit. 2..      The appointment of the chief election commissioner and other election commissioner shall we made by the president. 3..       When any other election commissioner is so appointed the chief election commissi