what is coalition government

coalition government

 The term "coalition " is derived from the Latin word coalition which means to grow together. thus , technically , coalition means the act of uniting parts into one body or whole . politically coalition means an alliance of distinct political parties.
                          when several political parties join hands and form a govt and exercise political  power on the basis of a common agreed programme / agenda , we can describe the system a s coalition politics of coalition government.

Features of coalition government

The features of coalition politics are very well summaised by J.C johari in the following Ways:
  1. Coalition are formed for the sake of some reward ,material or physical.
  2. A coalition implies the existence of at least two parties.
  3. The underlying principle of coalition politics standard on the simple fact of temporating conjunction of specific interest.
  4. Coalition politics is not a static but a dynamic affair as coalition players and groups dissolve and for new one.
  5. The key note of coalition politics is compromise and rigid dogma has no place in it.
  6. The purpose of a coalition adjustment is to seize power.
  • In 1977 to 1979 the Janata party formed government through coalition government. Under Morarji Desai (as PM) supervision. In this government there were many parties who take part to form the government they are-
  • Congress
  • Bhartiya Janata Sangh
  • Bhartiya lok dal
  • Chandrashekhar group and so on.

Merits of coalition government

The various advantages of coalition government as follows-
  1. India is a highly diverse country. There are different cultures, language, caste, religious and ethnic groups and all these get representated in the coalition government.     
  2. Coalition government comprises different political parties having their own ideologies or agendas.                                                             
  3. People getes more choice. And large number of interest are protected by coalition government.                                          
  4. Coalition government works as a watch dog on the central government.                                
  5. A coalition government reduce tyranny of government.                                                          
  6. Coalition politics strengthens  and the federal fabric of the Indian political system.

Demerits of coalition government

The various disadvantages of coalition government are as follows

  1. They are unstable to instability.                        
  2. The ship of the prime minister is a principal of parliamentary form of Government. This principle is cartiled in a coalition government as the prime minister is required to consult the coalition partners before taking any major decision.                    
  3. There is a possibility of smaller constituents of the coalition government playing the role of king maker. The demand more than their strength in the parliament.                                
  4. The regional leaders always try to protect their regional interest before rather than protecting the national interest.                        
  5. The members of coalition government do not assume responsibility for administrative failure and lapse they play blame game.


For a drivers country like India coalition government is most effective method to protect the larger interest of the country. Though they are some demerits but many time it is proved that it is the most effective government.


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