Linguistic politics in India


Language is one of the important factor which has exercised as deep impact on the politics as cast and religion. 

The eight schedule of constitution recognise 22 different language. For example: Assamese, Bengali , Gujarati ,  Hindi , Nepali , Sanskrit, santhali , Telugu , Tamil etc 
In India politics is influenced by various factors like caste ,class ,race , region, religion and among then language is one of the most . When. Countries politics is influenced by language then the politics is called as linguistic politics. 

1. DMK in Tamil Nadu
2. TDP in Andhra Pradesh 

Reasons for emergence of linguistic politics in India 

The emergence of linguistic politics in India can be attributed to a combination of historical social and political factors here are some of the key reasons: 


India has over 19500 languages and direct and every language groups one protection and recognition on their individual languages.

2.. Regionalism 

The linguistic recognition of India lead to the emergence of the regional political parties that represent the interest of specific linguistic groups this part is short greater autonomy and power for their respective regions.

3. Party identity

Many political parties have evolved on the basis of language they exploit the linguistic feelings of the people and promotes linguistic politics in India.

4.. Economic factors

Many parts in India are highly developed but some parts are under develop. Under develop peoples sometime feel that due to unrecognition of their language in constitution they have not given sufficient financial by then central government.

5.. Unequal distribution of resources

The unequal distribution of resources such as job education and government services has contributed to linguistic politics in India.

6.. linguistic policies

The Indian government has adopted various language policies over the years. Due to this many linguistic groups feel that they are being discriminated and their language is not given equal status for opportunity compared to other language.

7.. Political administrative factor

Mini political parties exploit linguistic feelings of the voters during election . During election political parties tries to nominate a person who has knowledge about the language where the election is going to be conducted.

8.. Educational factors

In India a large number of peoples are not educated they have no knowledge about politics. Due to their lack of education political parties try to influence them and exploit to their linguistic feelings.

         This are the some major reasons for the emergence of regional politics in India.

Role of language in Indian politics

Language play very important role in shaping the nature of Indian politics.

Politics is a part of society it cannot function in a vacuum . It is influenced by various factors like caste,  religion,  region etc. The role of language is one of them.

Roles that are played  by the language in the Indian politics are as follows : 

1. Language as a social stratification system has influence the social economic and political scenario of the society

2. Language place an important role in socializing the politics. It has allted the political thinking awareness and protection of the mass to a great extent

3. Political parties keep language affiliation of the candidates in mind while nominating them from particular constituencies the propaganda of the parties is also greatly determined along language lines.

4. Language play a very important role while determining the voting behaviour. Language determines and shapes the nature of election campaigns and voter turnout.

                    Language, as we see , is an indispensable component of Indian politics, 18 friends on politics and society in general it has positive and negative impacts on the nature of Indian federation.

Effects of linguistic politics in Indian

Linguistic politics in India refers to the use of language as a tool for political mobilization ,  representation and policy making . It has both positive and negative impacts on the country here are some of them.

Positive impacts

The main positive impacts of linguistic politics are as follows: 

1..  Representation and promotion regional languages
Linguistic politics help to improve and promote the regional languages in India it has recognised civil regional languages as official languages of various state

2.. Promote diversity
 As linguistic politics promotes and protects various languages of the country it promotes  linguistic diversity in the country .

3.. Empowerment of linguistic minorities
Linguistic politics has empowered linguistic minorities by giving them a voice in the political process which hurt to reduce discrimination and promote inclusiveness.

4.. strengthening of federalism
The recognition of regional languages as official languages of various States has helped to decentralized power and protect local governance, which has contributed to the strengthening of India's federal structure.

Negative impacts 

Linguistic politics has some negative impact on the politics . Some of the negative impacts are as follows: 

1.. divisiveness and conflict 

Linguistic politics has been used to create divisions and conflict between linguistic groups this has lead to language based protections and even violence in some cases .

2.. Effect on national integration

Linguistic politics has often been used to promote linguistic identity as the expense of national identity it has created hindrance to national integration.

3.. In-Equal distribution of resources

Linguistic politics as sometime leach to in equal distribution of resources based on linguistic affiliations.

4.. Fragmentation of political parties

Linguistic politics has lead to the fragmentation of the political parties along linguistic lines. Many small regional parties have been evolved by  fragmentation from a national political party on the basis of linguistic politics.

5.. Inter linguistic conflicts

Linguistic politics as sometimes lead to the inter linguistic conflict between different linguistic groups.

6.. Economic in efficiency

The promotion of regional languages has lead to the creation of language based reservation and quota in job and education , which has hindred merit-based selection and lead to the recruitment of less competent candidates .

7.. Thread on the equality and solitality

Linguistic politics also goes against the ideals of democracy which process equality and solidarity.

        This are the some major positive and negative impacts of linguistic politics in India.

Measures to prevent linguistic politics in India

Linguistic politics is the most important topic in Indian politics we should take some preventive measures to prevent the negative impact of linguistic politics in India.
Here some measures are provided to prevent linguistic politics in India.

1.. Avoid language based representation

The government should avoid language based representation in the education jobs and also politics.

2.. Encourage language harmony

Encourage people to represent and appreciate other languages and cultures .

3.. Protect linguistic diversity

Preserve and protect the linguistic diversity of India. Encourage the people to maintain their native language and dialects.

4.. Avoid language based politics

Using language as a tool for political gain is to be prevented. Political parties and leaders should avoid promoting a particular language or making promises based on language.

5.. Increase language accessibility

By ensuring that people have access to resources and opportunities to learn and use other languages, the linguistic politics can be prevented.

6.. Mass media

Government should use mass media as a tool to prevent the linguistic politics in India.

          By implementing this measures India can promote language harmony and prevent linguistic politics.


Linguistic politics in India is a complex and ongoing issue that reflects the country's linguistic diversity and history. The recognition and promotion of regional languages are essential for the preservation of India's linguistic and cultural heritage, and continued efforts are needed to ensure that all languages are given equal recognition and support.


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